Running SimStudent In The Batch-mode

Running learning-by-demonstration (as opposed to interactive learning) with pre-recorded solutions

See also Running Interactive Learning in batch-mode


You can train SimStudent with a bunch of pre-recorded solutions (saved as BRD files, the files generated by Behavior Recorder). In this case, SimStudent learns steps in the BRD files as if they are demonstrated through the Student Interface.

You can also test production rules generated by SimStudent with a set of test problems, also stored as the BRD files. Namely, SimStudent opens a BRD file and, for each step in the BRD, reports production rules that are applicable and if they generate the same step as recorded in the BRD.





Save BRD files

You can either use Behavior Recorder to create BRD files manually by just demonstrating solutions once for each, or write a piece of software to automatically generate BRD files (which is especially useful when you have a dataset containing student-tutor interaction log).

Make a shell script

All what you need is to call a Java class file for the Student Interface with some command line arguments.

The first command line argument must be "ssBatchMode". You may also specify following command line arguments (see <url> for detailed descriptions for the command line arguments):

  • ssProblemSet -- a list of training "files" to be used as the pre-recorded demonstrations.

  • ssTestSet -- a list of test "files" to test production rules learned by SimStudent

Both for ssProblemSet and ssTestSet, a "file" can be either a name of a BRD file or a directory name. If the "file" represents a directory, then all the BRD files in the directory will be iteratively used for training.

A sample shell script is available <here>.

Run SimStudent

Once you run SimStudent, you have a few things that you may want to pay attention:


A text file contains the production rules that have been learned most recently. If you are interested in how production rules had been learned, then take a look at the pr-age folder, which is described below.

A folder (directory) where the past files are archived. There are two types of archive files shown below:

  • contains a total of yyy production rules that are learned in zzz demonstrated steps.

  •, which shows the production rules learned after the xxx-th training problem is completed with the total of yyy production rules learned in zzz steps.

Last Updated January 24, 2010