Command line arguments

A list of command line arguments to control SimStudent

You can fully control the behavior of SimStudent with the following command line arguments.

Note that some of them are Java VM arguments whereas the others are the arguments for CTAT (SimStudent). For the VM arguments, use "-D" -- e.g., place "-DnoCtatWindow" to hide CTAT windows. For the CTAT option, use "-" -- e.g., "-traceLevel 5" to indicate the trace level of 5.

Some arguments take value (e.g., traceLevel) whereas some arguments are switches -- namely, their mere presence affects the system's performance (e.g., ssBatchMode)

VM arguments


Run SimStudent without showing CTAT windows but only the Student Interface (hence speeds up the whole session).

CTAT arguments

1. Not yet available in most recent CTAT release.

Updated 04/15/2010