User Guide & Demo
Demo Videos
Quick Intro to APLUS
This 3 minutes video tells you all about APLUS, an online learning environment for learning by teaching SimStudent
From our study participant
A study participant sharing her experience with APLUS and SimStudent
Constructive Tutee Inquiry
This video shows the latest feature of SimStudent asking constructive questions to help student tutors reflect their understanding on algebra concepts.
Try SimStudent
Java Applet:
You can download a run-time Java package on your computer (Windows or Mac) and run APLUS as shown in the videos. Click here to download:
You must have Java 8 Runtime Environment installed on your computer
For Mac, you must be able to open the Terminal app and run the desired shell script.
For Windows, you must be able to locate the desired batch file and double click it.
Please download the package here and read the README file.
For Advanced Users:
If you would like to customize SimStudent's behavior or apply it to use in your own project, there are a number of ways that you can do so. The document for Advanced Users would help you learn more about these.
SimStudent is available as a built-in component of CTAT (Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools). Go to CTAT web page, and find the link to "Download CTAT" under the "Getting Started" section.
The teachable agent version of SimStudent in the Learning-by-Teaching Environment is available for download here. Unzip the file and run "" in SimStAlgebraV7. Click here for details about how to run the software.
Once you get CTAT and SimStudent installed, then you should read through tutorials on how to play with SimStudent, which is available at the Examples page.