Project Overview
Quick Intro to APLUS
This 3 minutes video tells you all about APLUS, an online learning environment for learning by teaching SimStudent
From our study participant
A study participant sharing her experience with APLUS and SimStudent
What is SimStudent?
SimStudent is an interactive learner, who applies inductive logic programming to learn cognitive skills from examples. SimStudent is customizable (or "programmable") so that we can test various hypothesis to identify factors that affect learning and test when and how such factors affect learning. The learning outcome (i.e., learned cognitive skills) is represented as a set of production rules, which is also human readable.
The above characteristics provides us unique opportunities to conduct studies on machine- and human-learning. Currently, we have three research areas as listed below:
Teachable Peer Learner
What if we ask human students to teach SimStudent? It is well known that students learn by teaching others. We can build an on-line learning environment where SimStudent acts as a peer tutoree and have human students tutor SimStudent. Such a learning environment also provides us opportunities to study more about the theories of tutor learning and other social and motivational factors of learning. See our REESE page at ARC to study more about our findings. An article at introducing our study.
Computational Model of Learning
SimStudents can be used as simulated students with which researchers can conduct various controlled studies to explore theories of learning. For example, we have compared different learning strategies, learning from worked-out examples vs. learning by being tutored. We have also studied how differences in prior knowledge affect learning by comparing learning outcomes from “good” SimStudent, who has stronger prior knowledge of prerequisite concepts, and “poor” SimStudent, who has weaker, more perceptually-oriented prior knowledge. See PSLC Theory Wiki for details of the Error Analysis study.
Intelligent Authoring
Use of SimStudent within the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT) allows authors to build a Cognitive Tutor (especially the so-called expert model that represents domain principles) simply by teaching SimStudent how to solve problems. SimStudent is available as a built-in component for CTAT, which can be downloaded at the CTAT project web page.
I'm interested! Where can I find more about SimStudent?
The User Guide & Demo tells you where to find SimStudent. It also provides you tutorials on how to use SimStudent as well as technical details for the advanced users to apply SimStudent to your own projects. There are also some cool video clips available to learn more about SimStudent.